Virtual Inspections

SCI loss control consultants can now perform inspections remotely and in real-time, through an innovative live video platform. Virtual Inspections generate detailed information and photos to document exposures and controls for insured locations and worksites. The result is a report that is comparable to an on-site inspection, with exceptional time service and lower cost, regardless of the insured location.


Advantages of Virtual Inspections

  • Convenience: Easier for the insured to schedule with less interruption in the workday.
  • Better Compliance: Insureds prefer Virtual Inspections to on-site inspections due to convenience.
  • Accessibility: We can perform the inspection regardless of location.
  • Efficiency: We get the inspection completed and delivered fast.
  • Quality: Comparable quality to on-site inspections.
  • Lower Cost: Substantially reduced cost versus on-site inspections.


How Do Virtual Visits Work?

  1. We will contact the insured to set an appointment for a Virtual Inspection.
  1. At the scheduled time, we will call the insured for an interview to review current information about operations, and a link will be sent via SMS/test to the insured’s cell phone to conduct the Virtual Inspection
  1. The link will connect our secure inspection platform and the insured’s cell phone via live video feed. This platform allows for two-way interactive communication similar to a video call like FaceTime™ or Google Meet™.
  1. We will direct the insured to take the phone inside and outside the insured location for photo capture. Photos are uploaded to our platform and not stored on the insured’s device.



Cybersecurity and privacy for insureds and clients is of utmost importance. Please contact us for details on cybersecurity for Virtual Inspections.


For More Information

If you are interested in learning more about Virtual Inspections, please contact us.